Emerie Baker
30” E Re Ex E 5 1 /2”. Our flute playing, daylily-growing friend, Janet Levario, from the Eldorado Hills of California chose this beautiful flower to be named for her mother. The color varies from medium to strongly pastel orchid, depending on the temperature. The form is set off by ornate edges, dripping in diamond-dusted sharks teeth and lace in silver and gold filigree. Although the ornamentation is exaggerated more in extremely hot temperatures, the midsummer bloom in KY was as ornate as we have observed thus far. Usually the form is petaloid type but occasionally there are hose-in-hose style formations as well as combinations of the two styles. The sturdy scapes have three to four way branching with 30 plus buds. Descended from FORTUNE’S DEAREST, and bred with five generations of our doubles. Ninety seven percent double.